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Yoto Audio Card Spanish 0+ Audio Card

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $7.99.

(In Stock)

SKU: S11626438 Category:

Yoto Says: The perfect way to introduce your little one (and you!) to learning Spanish.

Introduce your young child to Spanish through songs, speaking & rhymes with this uplifting and beautiful album. Babies and small children love music and rhythm and theyre especially receptive to the sounds of language. Take advantage of their best time for absorbing language sounds and help make Spanish a natural part of life with this fun and inspiring collection.

    1. Botn / Button 2. Levantamos / Up we go 3. Caballito / Pony 4. Parque / Park 5. Pjara / Bird 6. Dedito / Finger 7. Mam? / Mummy? 8. Botn (2) / Button (2) 9. Gato / Cat 10. Gatito / Kitten 11. Palmas / Claps 12. Aire, agua, tierra / Air, water, earth 13. Pap? / Daddy? 14. Coqu / Coqu 15. Siesta / Nap 16. Pollitos / Chicks 17. Siesta fin / Nap’s end 18. Tren / Train 19. Piano / Piano 20. Bosque / Wood 21. Reloj / Clock 22. Lluvia / Rain 23. Sol

      Although this Yoto Card is perfect for young children, children under 3 years old should only use Yoto Player or Yoto Mini under adult supervision.


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